A large majority of my posts so far have involved some kind of element of self-sabotage, whether that be emotional, financial, romantic or weight-related. And it’s got me thinking.
So here’s a list of things I know are bad for me – or don’t agree with me – but I still do them anyway. My aim for April is to cut them all out, even for just four weeks, and see what difference it makes to my happiness and wellbeing:
- Skipping workouts
- Chewing gum (makes me bloated)
- Shopping at Westfield
- Comparing myself to other girls at the gym
- Eating sweets at work on a friday
- Binge eating at the weekend
- Skipping breakfast
- Ignoring dirty dishes
- Chocolate cake
- Drinking alcohol (I think I’ve had 4 drinks since November)
- Salty takeaways
- Sleeping with wet hair
- Going in the huff