As far as pocket munching goes, I’m probably the best in the region for my age. If there was a pocket munching championship they’d be inscribing my name on that trophy year after year.
The thing is, I just bloody love snacking. And I love all snacks in equal measure, so if I snaffle biscuit, I need something savoury next to take the sugary edge off. But then, hmm, now I fancy something sweet..
Last weekend I shut myself off in the kitchen whilst the boys watched the football because I “didn’t want the nutribullet to drown out the commentary.” Nah, it was so they wouldn’t see me inhale a packet of monster munch and a bag of peanut m&ms. I’ve actually only confessed to the monster munch, so if my boyfriend is reading this – whoops.
Also that weekend I ate about a billion disgusting chocolates that he’d won in a raffle weeks ago and that we keep in the car bcos they’re gross. I then ate a chinese takeaway, fish and chips, pulled pork and about half a tray (no joke) of homemade raw brownies. This was over the course of a weekend, but still. Holy shit.
I took a half day off work last friday to generally potter about the house, and – left to my own devices – came up with the world’s best snacks:
Pesto, crispy pancetta and sriracha sandwiched between two mini Matzos
Almond butter and cashew nuts in a glorious mini Matzo sandwich
Alternate between courses of the two until you feel physically sick, and then nearly blind yourself with fumes whilst bleaching the grout in your shower with no ventilation.
No, no, there’s no need to thank me..